
Dr. Nannapaneni Manga Devi, with a strong belief that the child is the right instrument to change the face of the society, she gave up the secured government job. She found a fitting companion in Ms. Prabhavathi, who extended her whole hearted support in all the ventures taken up by Dr. Devi. Both of them, Dr.Devi and Ms.Prabha, took training in the Association Montessari International, to equip themselves as full fledged Montessari Teachers. They started a "House of Children" in Guntur in 1965 - when school for threes was unheard of just with one child on rolls. Financial Stringencies and inhibition towards a new system all these hurdles have been transformed into stepping stones to reach the goal.

They worked very hard with a clear vision, missionary zeal and a vibrant principle of, “The Child is Father of the Man”, adopting Montessori method of nurturing the child, developing life skills & self confidence right from the budding stage. Both the founders have been great source of inspiration to all their colleagues with their commitment and dedication. Innovative teaching methods, inspiring, literary works of Dr. N. Manga Devi and her service to the needy brought her many awards & rewards at National and International levels and made her an exemplary role model for all.

Smt Garige Prabhavathi

A few of Dr.Manga Devi’s Awards:

  • Life Achievement Award from Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam by Association of writers and illustrators for children, A wing of International Board of Books for Young people.
  • Best Academician Award bestowed by Indian Council for Child Education, New Delhi
  • Mukhya Adhyapak Siromani Award by CBSE South Zone.
  • National Award - Sarvottamacharya by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
  • Honorary Doctorate from Padmavathi University.
  • Jamnalal Bajaj Award for social service.
  • NCERT National Award for Children’s Literature.
  • National Award from NCERT for innovative Methods in Teaching.

Dr Nannapaneni Manga Devi

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